Great Victory Day Slogans, Status, Captions and Sayings

Read the full post to collect great victory day slogans and victory day speech. Great Victory Day is celebrated in Bangladesh on 16th December every year. Bengalis commemorate their independence on this day. Programs are organized in various educational institutions of the country. Among these, the slogans of the Great Victory Day and the short speech on the occasion of Victory Day are worth mentioning.

So I have presented slogans, speeches and presentations and some words on the occasion of Victory Day for you today. I have collected victory day Facebook status, victory day quotes and sayings etc. to share with him on social media. You can collect these quotes, sayings and slogans. Below are the Victory Day Quotes, Sayings and Slogans or Speeches.

December 16 Victory Day

Many do not know what or why Victory Day is celebrated? And this day is celebrated on 16th December itself. One of the national days of Bangladesh is 16th December which is celebrated as Victory Day. This 16 December has been recognized as the Great Victory Day by the state. After 9 long months of bloody war with Pakistanis, our country became independent. Bangladesh gained independence through this war. We achieve an independent country of red and green. About 30 lakh Bengalis lost their lives to make this country independent. So to commemorate this day every year 16th December is celebrated as Victory Day.

Slogan of Great Victory Day

Victory means to win or get rid of something. Similarly we got liberation on 16th December 1971 and since then 16th December is called Victory Day. The memory of this day is not centered in the minds of Bengalis. We lost lakhs of our Bengalis in achieving this victory. So the importance of this day for us today is Opirissim. So every year on December 16, I hear victory slogans on everyone’s lips. The slogan of Great Seed Day shines on everyone’s face, Bangladesh roar, Bangladesh, go conquer the world with your dreams, you go ahead, haw haw. Below is the complete Victory Day slogan for you. Those who want to collect slogans can collect from below.

Slogan 1:

Burn up Bangladesh
Roar Bangladesh

Conquer the world with dreams
Go ahead, go ahead

Burn up Bangladesh
Roar Bangladesh

The hope of millions of lives
Daaao in the old core

The victory of red green
Hand to hand

All for you
Best wishes

Peeping in the eyes
Chance of victory

Slogan 2:

Wake up everyday
– Sajjad Hossain Khan

The smile of the butterfly on the brinjal flower
Where is the funny flute?
At midday, Rakhaliya plays, laughing and laughing.
Fair of tea birds in paddy fields
In the sky there is a raft of blue dust
Swinging and swinging across the mountains.

Jochna makha moon white egg
How cold the night is
Moisten the colorful wings of the flower fairies,
Suryamama walks very early in the morning
Bored Yojan Yojan on the field
The seven colored candles are kept upside down.

Yellow deer dance in mustard flowers
Which country has such beauty
In the shape of which a thousand poets weave a web of words,
The mind flies in the crowd of fishermen
In the gap of the leaves in the nest of tuntunis
Rose woke up hearing the voice of the muezzin.

Slogan 3:
You are freedom
Bengal country
Bengali mother

You are freedom
Grandpa’s face
Fairy tale
good thing
You are freedom
Language in the sun
Blood heme.

You are freedom
Liberation Army
free love

You are freedom
free bird

You are freedom
Dear people
Prem preeti jai
the love
Slogan 4:
Victory you are a free bird
You are shouting under the sky.
Victory, you rose flower
Two tributaries of a cold water river.

Victory, you are the farmer’s harvest field
Rice, wheat and jute are the crops across the field.
Victory you red-green flag
Flying in the open air painted curves.

Victory, you are the smile on the mother’s face
The smile that everyone loves.
Victory you are a free country
The name is Sonar Bangladesh.
Victory day speech pdf

Speeches are to be made on many occasions on the occasion of Victory Day. Moreover, students gave short speeches on Victory Day in various educational institutions. I have given victory day speech for them here in pdf file. Those who want to speak on Victory Day can take some idea from my speech. Below I have presented the statement beautifully. I hope that by reading this speech, you can get a detailed idea about the Victory Day speech. View the speech or collect the PDF from the address below.

বক্তব্য সংগ্রহ 

Victory Day Status

Many of us post status on social media or Facebook to celebrate Victory Day. Status is required to post Victory Day photos. I have collected them here. Victory Day Facebook Statuses to post on Facebook are given in this section. Those who need the status do not collect from here.

1. Happy Great Victory Day Deep respect for those who sacrificed their lives for this victory.

2. Your respect will increase then. When you go abroad you can increase the respect of your country. And you can proudly say, I am Bangladeshi.

3. 16th December You are the pride of Bengalis. You mark the victory of crores of people, the signature of independent Bengal.

4. Do not open all the windows! I will sing, I will sing the song of victory. They will come quietly who have given their lives for the love of this country

5. We will not forget you who brought the freedom of Bengal in exchange of an ocean of blood.

6. On the occasion of the victory day achieved in return for a lot of patience, I wish everyone a very happy victory day.

7. From people to people, I am stunned, listening to the story of victory in the voice of a wounded mother.

8. From people to people, I am stunned, listening to the story of victory in the voice of a wounded mother.

9. They will come quietly, who have given this country with love, don’t open all the windows!

I will sing this song of victory. Best wishes for victory.

10. Happy Great Victory Day Deep respect for those who sacrificed their lives for this victory.

11. A Bangladesh, you are the wonder of the people, the whole world, you are my pride. Let us all work together for this Bangladesh, the wonder of the whole world.

12. Victory showed me the way, gave me the assurance of survival. I sing the song of victory, I want freedom. I want to go all the way with the flag of victory. Happy Victory Day.

13. I pray for the forgiveness of their souls. I pay my respects to the best children of the nation.

Victory Day Greetings

On the occasion of Victory Day, here are the Victory Day greetings. By sharing these words you can wish your friends on Victory Day. Collect the best wishes from below.

On December 16, you are the great joy of the great victory of New Bangladesh. You are Bangladesh, you are the breath of liberation from the captivity of the widowed mother.” ~ Congratulation to all the citizens on Victory Day.

We are the strength of this country, say we.”~ As we celebrate the victory of Victory Day, let us remember those brave martyrs whose sacrifices have given us this special day —

I walk the paths of Bengal for a thousand years.” ~ Victory Day is indeed a very important day for Bengali speakers; Congratulations to all of you on the occasion of Victory Day–

On this special day of Victory Day, let us all remind the future generations of our history and heritage and inspire them with the spirit of patriotism and let us also carry the spirit of victory with our hearts —

Salute to the brave revolutionaries on this great day of Victory Day and best wishes to all —

We are more concerned with our own “victory” over sin than with the fact that our sin grieves God’s heart.
– Jerry Bridges

This struggle is a struggle for freedom, this struggle is a struggle for our liberation
– Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

All the walls of hatred must be broken by the force of love and bond; then everyone will be full of joy; There will be no sorrow in the country; Only peace will prevail; On the auspicious occasion of Victory Day, let this be the pledge of all countrymen–

Appeal to the great Lord that the freedom of the country was won for an ocean of blood; Let the country keep forever!
Happy Victory Day wishes

Your respect will increase then. When you go abroad you can increase the respect of your country. And you can proudly say, I am Bangladeshi

Victory Day Quotes

Here are the Victory Day quotes. Those who need quotes do not collect from this post. Below are the Victory Day quotes.

The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the unconverted.
– Marcus Aurelius

Victory is most meaningful when it comes not from just one, but from the collective success of many.
– Howard Schultz

Victorious fighters first win and then go to battle, defeated fighters first go to battle and then try to win.
– Sun Tzu

Your first victory is to find your happiness and your second victory is to find the happiness of others.
– Jagdish Kumar

We are more concerned with our own “victory” over sin than with the fact that our sin grieves God’s heart.
– Jerry Bridges

Victory is all about recognizing that your dreams are going to be achieved.
– Tommy Hilfiger

Conquerors make laws to protect victory against defeat.
– Toba Beta

Your first victory is to find your happiness and your second victory is to find the happiness of others.
– Jagadish Kumar

last word

In this post I have shared victory day quotes, statuses. Also I have collected great victory day slogans and victory day sayings for you, hope you like this post and can collect great victory day slogans, status, captions and sayings from this post. Below are some more posts related to Victory Day, you can check them out. Thank you so much for staying with us until the end.

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